University of Puerto Rico, USA
Dr. Justin Paul is a professor at the University of Puerto Rico, USA, and holds titles with premier business schools, including honorary visiting professor of University of Reading Henley Business School, UK, Distinguished Scholar (Visiting) of Indian Institute of Management (IIM-K), and Distinguished Professor of Symbiosis Institute of Business Management. His research interests focus on International Business, Marketing, Brand Management, Marketing Management, International Marketing, Customer Satisfaction, Banking, Management, Economy and Entrepreneurship. He has published over 130 articles in SSCI journals, out of which 80+ are in journals ranked as A & A star by Australian Business Deans Council. He is well known as an author/co-author of several best selling text books, including Business Environment (4th edition), International Business (6th edition), etc. Dr. Paul has served as Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Consumer Studies, and Senior/Guest/Associate Editor with the International Business Review, Journal of Business research, Services Industries Journal, European Bus Review, Journal of Retailing & Consumer Services, Small Bus Economics, European Journal of International Management, Journal of Promotion Management, Business Ethics: A European Review & International Journal of Emerging Markets.